Virtual gift card

$10.00 CAD

A virtual gift card to please someone you care about.

When you order a virtual gift card, here's how it works:

  1. You'll receive an e-mail confirming your order, followed by another e-mail containing a Web link to your gift card.
  2. The virtual gift card is a code made up of 16 random letters and numbers.
  3. To use the gift card, you'll need to enter the gift card code in the "Discount code or gift card" section, then click on "Validate" when you will be making a purchase.
  4. If you do not use the full balance of your gift card, the remaining balance will be visible via the same web link you received when you purchased the gift card.
  5. If a product return leads to a full or partial refund, you will be refunded the amount used on the gift card first. You will be able to use your gift card again depending on the remaining balance.
  6. If you can no longer find the e-mail containing the web link to your gift card, write to us at and we will be able to send you an e-mail to access your gift card.
  7. Gift cards purchased are non-refundable.